Fiche cheval call me the breeze

R5C7 du

platcourse a conditions 2064wolverhampton1200M6620classified stakes (class 6) (div ii)9 partantsdépart à 19:10
14my boy jackH59p4p9p7p5prossa ryan/101:15
26alibi warningF33p5p7p5pconnor murtagh/1encolure
38sassy sopranoF37p4p6p4p7pzak wheatley/1encolure
41coastF55p3p3p1p8pdale swift/11 l 1/4
55reve de magritteF52p5p8p3p9poisin murphy/12 l
63midnight flameF40p9p9p3p7pwilliam cox/13/4 l
77call me the breezeF36p6p4p5prob hornby/12 l 1/2
89war zoneH36p5p4p9p6pjoey haynes/13/4 l
92kangarooH45p7p0p5p4pbilly loughnane/11 l 1/4

R5C4 du

plathandicap 6626wolverhampton1430M6620hand c6 143010 partantsdépart à 18:00
Non-partants : 8
11interestnpenaltiesH38p2p7p8pwilliam carson7.2/101:29
22amroonH34p(23)9p6p1prossa ryan3.3/11 l
36tenyattaF31p4p(23)6p9paidan keeley3.4/11 l 3/4
47tantomileF33p6p(23)9poisin orr6.7/1tete
55call me the breezeF3(23)0p0p9p8prob hornby29/11/2 l
610dash powerH35p3p8p(23)0plewis edmunds17/13/4 l
79supreme tenacityH33p7p7p5p6pjohn egan10/12 l 1/2
83warrior tuneF38p8p8pconnor beasley24/1cte tete
94lord danielsonH36p5p7p2p7pluke morris13/11 l
8aces highH3(23)8p0p8pharry burns6.4/1

R2C5 du

platcourse a conditions 26999turffontein1600M4680classified s.12 partantsdépart à 12:05
Non-partants : 1
1bright blue skyH4(22)9p1p5p6pd de gouveia9.7/1
14bloomingtonH54p8p(22)6p6ps khumalo5.3/1
29romeo's magicH68p4p(22)6p8pg lerena14/12 l 1/2
36napoleonH50p(22)7p6p7pd schwarz8.5/12 l
411batikF51p3p(22)6p9pd b geerthsen7.9/11 l 1/2
55forward spellH50p(22)7p7p4pm v'rensburg34/1tete
62vesuvioH4(22)6p8p0p1pg pieterse8/12 l 1/2
710call me the breezeF40p9p(22)9p8pk a brewer22/11 l 3/4
88burmese tiaraF64p2p7p3p2pj p v'd merwe4.1/12 l
97welcome breezeF45p8p(22)1p4pc zackey6.1/11 l 1/2
1012timeforthatF60p6p1p5pp mxoli23/12 l
113ballon d'orH78p9p(22)5p8pc maujean31/112 l

R2C2 du

platcourse a conditions 44526fairview1200M3705maiden juvenile plate (fillies)9 partantsdépart à 11:05
Non-partants : 1 - 6
1antonia augustaF34p7pt m musekiwa27/1
13call me the breezeF35p4ps khumalo4.4/101:10
29pinnacleF32p3pw kennedy1.6/11/2 l
37mur murF30pt gould11/11 l 1/4
42bavarian jetF3Inéditej p v'd merwe10/15 l
55cheveley moonF36p5p8px ndlovu15/13 l 1/2
64che volanteF38py ramzan33/18 l 1/2
6crionnaF36pg cheyne6.4/1
78mysmalltimebluesF3Inéditek a brewer15/110 l

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